Rev. Wendy Anderson's Sermon Easter 2021
Weekly Worship - Sundays 10:30 AM
Worship at Nativity is Christ-centered, relevant, and spirit-filled.
Sunday mornings, we gather to hear God's word proclaimed through scripture, preaching, and song. This nurtures our faith, and prepares and sustains us for doing God's work in the world. We pray together and receive the Lord's Supper in Holy Communion. Our worship is "liturgical" in style, which means it follows a structure or pattern. Join us for worship Sundays 10:30 AM In-person or via Zoom. Call or email the church for the Zoom link. |
Freedom and flexibility in worship are a Lutheran inheritance, and at Nativity we enjoy worshiping in a variety of musical styles. Some weeks we use ancient chant tones. Some weeks we use jazz melodies. Our singing is often accompanied by the organ, but sometimes by the baby grand piano or guitar or an instrumental ensemble. Our music director, Charlie, is versatile and flexible and enlists the help of the many gifted musicians in our congregation to provide special music as soloists, small group ensembles, and the choir. Members serve as readers and assisting ministers.
Sometimes we worship at times other than Sundays. During the seasons of Advent and Lent we have a midweek evening worship, and often in Advent we do an evening prayer setting called Holden Evening Prayer using guitar and flute and lots of candles. In Lent we have done dramas and recently a Jazz Vespers service with original music written by Charlie. Traditional holidays such as Christmas Eve are occasions to gather in festive worship. Summer allows us to worship by a campfire. |